Life Lessons
by Martha Quinlan
Some words, in and of themselves, are not funny. The word "gay," for example, is not funny. Neither is the word, "sex." But if you put them both together like this:
gay sex
They become humorous. Other words also fit into this category. Say for example, "butt." "Butt" is a semi-humorous word, but not until placed together with other words does it become fully humorous, like this:
butt stain
"Stain" in and of itself is not very funny, some would even argue it is problematic. But put together like this:
Butt stain
makes it fully humorous. Other words also fit into this category. Take the word "diarrhea." In and of itself, "diarrhea," is not funny, maybe even painful to hear. But put together like this:
diarrhea sandwich
It becomes pleasantly jovial. Other unfunny-to-funny word combinations may be:
Tampon Lollipop
Butterscotch Testicles
Underwear Stench
Anus Drippings
Crotch Fungus.
These are some of the ways you can accentuate every day language by complimenting it with unfunny-to-funny word supplementation. This is Martha Quinlan wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas and a happy New Bloody Nipple Year.

gay sex
They become humorous. Other words also fit into this category. Say for example, "butt." "Butt" is a semi-humorous word, but not until placed together with other words does it become fully humorous, like this:
butt stain
"Stain" in and of itself is not very funny, some would even argue it is problematic. But put together like this:
Butt stain
makes it fully humorous. Other words also fit into this category. Take the word "diarrhea." In and of itself, "diarrhea," is not funny, maybe even painful to hear. But put together like this:
diarrhea sandwich
It becomes pleasantly jovial. Other unfunny-to-funny word combinations may be:
Tampon Lollipop
Butterscotch Testicles
Underwear Stench
Anus Drippings
Crotch Fungus.
These are some of the ways you can accentuate every day language by complimenting it with unfunny-to-funny word supplementation. This is Martha Quinlan wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas and a happy New Bloody Nipple Year.