Saturday, January 22, 2011

These Days

these days, i feel like
i got 20,000 different things pullin me in 30,000 different directions
they happen so fast i don't realize it until
they stop, and i get a chance to breathe
a chance to stop, and take a look around
i'm like... what the fuck just happened
and how long was i in it
these days it's hard to remember who i am any more
until i stop
and am like, oh yeah, there i am.
these days
won't last, i know
but if they do, i'm afraid
i won't get a chance
to stop
and recognize
these days
as these days.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

shit on your neck.

felt like i couldn't breath all fucking week. god bless alcohol. whoever said alcohol is bad for you ain't never had problems.