Monday, November 05, 2007

i'm very selective about who's lives i enter to ruin... kobe should be traded to THE CLIPPERS!... problems resolved... what's the difference between white people and black people... black people go home after work and chill out with a drink or smoke... white people go home and update their myspace page... if you look up "whiteboy" in the dictionary you'll see tom's picture with his thumb up... young white males want to make millions by creating the next "social networking website"... black males want to rob the government... what's the difference between tupac and 50 cent?... meaningful lyrics and about four inches of teeth... what's the difference between orange county and l.a.?... don't even go there... one is hood central the other orange yuppieville... what's the difference between kanye west and puff p diddy daddy?... nothing... william faulkner... vincent van gogh... lenny bruce... fuck joe torre... his ass ain't off my chopping block until he delivers some results... i forgot to set my clock back and was only one hour late to work instead of the usual two... don't forget to hyphenate the compound preposition... fragmented sentence... REVISE!... eat my ass with a spork... beady little eyes... nasally little voice... evil little smirk... welcome to thanksgiving dinner... maybe i should start meta-tagging my webpage... nah... that's gay... you should earn your ranking... c u @ hingis' house... gonna do some blow...