still the coolest.

most people hate sunday nights because it signals the start of another work week. freedom ends. i see that point, but that's not Sunday night's fault. Sunday night is still the coolest night of the week.
if you are lucky enough to afford a monday off, you could see why.
hit a bar on a sunday night. there's no throngs of immature youngsters yelling, screaming, and scream-yelling about some shit on facebook . there are no hordes of scantily-clad wannabe eye-candies doused in perfume waiting for the over-ratio'ed hordes of male hollerers stalking the establishment. there is no deafening decibel-level of music pumped so loud you have to yell your drink to the bartender. twice. when you walk into a bar on a Sunday night, all there is, is you, the bar, and a bartender. give or a take a few patrons.
roll out to los angeles on a Sunday night. there is an eerie lack of traffic. the Sunset Strip is more desolate than the two major crossroads of the Baghdad Cafe. you can actually hear yourself think. you can actually catch yourself looking around in wonder. you can stop, and process.
there's a line in a Sarah Maclachlan song: "you come out at night... that's when the energy comes," and it's true. there is an energy at night. every night. but Sunday night's energy is different. it's not pulsing. it's not pounding. it's not frenetic. it's just chill. but it's not monday night chill, or tuesday night chill. it's Sunday night chill, which means though it's chill, there's an aura of artistry, an energy underlying the calm. it's like a monday, but with some friday in it.
Sunday night is when all things are possible. all things are possible on any given night, but on a Sunday night you are aware of it. you can feel it. it's a night to stop and smell the roses... around midnight. it's the night that art becomes brilliant and business becomes casual. it's the night when kisses resonate, words carry weight, and walking through a parking lot holding your love's hand feels like the first date.
if you don't know what i'm talking about, you're either under 30 or a different type of person. maybe someday you will, or someday someone will show you.