The Tunnels.
man, FUCK YOU what the fuck is your problem who the FUCK do you think you are? who the FUCK do you think you're DEALING WITH? do you think you're FUCKING BULLETPROOF?? do you think a FUCKING KNIFE UP YOUR SPINE wouldn't DROP YOU TO THE FLOOR? man, you are one GODDAMNED PIECE OF SHIT. i'd FUCKING SHOOT YOU if i didn't think it was a waste of a bullet. you deserve to be burned to death after years of suffering from cancer. seriously, the gall you have. it's almost as if you have no consideration for anyone other than yourself. you think it's confidence, but i call it arrogance. seriously, you really are something else. i can't believe the pair on you. i find it kind of different, the way you think. seriously, what makes you tick? i find you absolutely intriguing. maybe we can sit down and talk one day, maybe over drinks. i'd love to pick your brain. i find you to be one fascinating individual. i'm very glad to know you.
I had a bee fly into my car while on the freeway
da b0dy iz a temple, duz urs need a maid?
man, this chick makes me fucking ache.
i don't know her, i've barely spoken a word to her but she's got me intoxicated.
when she walks, all eyes watch her. when she talks, all ears listen.
she's got a smile as bright as the sun, only warmer.
yeah, i know i'm being gay and hyperbolic, but fuck man... you haven't seen this chick.
maybe i'm just drunk. maybe. or maybe she's everything you've never seen.
alcohol breeds poetic tendencies.
either that, or i'm a fag.
I worked the angle until I couldn't work it any more. At some point they were going to catch on to me. Nothing was done unless it was carefully planned, and nothing was said unless it was equally thought out. Sometimes, I'd have to pause for a split second, before words would come from my brain to my mouth, to see if it was the right thing to say. Most times, it was. A few times, it wasn't. Most of the time, though, I knew what to say and when to say it. That's how I knew I was becoming the facade I was portraying.
com'-fort: (noun) make the world move at your pace.
Ninja. Confucious. Zen. Horse Tranquilizer. Martial Arts. Meditation. Kung Fu. Stormshadow. The PennySaver.
The first step in knowing a lot is knowing that you don't know a lot.
Fucking ballhog.
Not for Profit.
my, my, how things change...
rules were meant to be broken. directions meant not to be followed. boundaries were meant to be crossed and standards were made to be ignored.
structure was meant to be broken. tradition was meant to evolve. calm was meant to be disrupted, and ordinary was made to be marred.
limits were made to be crossed. records were made to be shattered. underdogs were bred to win, and the impossible was made to happen.
clean was made to get dirty. sweet was made to go bad. new was made to turn old, and the path less taken was made to be taken more.
monkey poop.
everything goes whizzing by.
paul newman.
late night sundays, watching gibberish on tv.
the greatest movies of the foulest descent.
i am so not thinking of you i'm thinking of you.
perhaps this is the greatest thing of all.
perhaps this is the mollusk clinging to the barnacle on my testicles
but if beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
can i hold your beautiful boulders?
lebron james.
quizzically staring at the sun, killing an arab,
beating the meat while drinking the pink.
if never was the best time for us to meet,
then perhaps next sunday we can rendezvous for coffee.
feed me now, the best most glorious pain is delicious to taste.
i have venereal disease of the mouth.
my sores are bigger, and redder, and pussier than any infectious disease known to man.
if i was an ethiopian, i would be fat and starving.
if i was an african, i would be adopted by madonna.
feed me now, like a pirahna suckling at your teet.
everything, absolutely everything goes whizzing by.