Friday, April 06, 2007


what the fuck happened to quentin tarantino he used to be cool he did reservoir dogs then pulp fiction then all of a sudden he became a pompous blowhard who can't even rip his own movies off oh well and who the fuck is robert rodriguez sin city was a piece of shit lets be real i think he made el mariachi but i never even saw that because honestly quite honestly it looked like a flaming pile of horseshit oh well maybe i am wrong but i doubt it and oh yeah ozomatli is like the first american spanish band and when i say spanish i mean that there are all these spanish bands out there that meld so many various musical styles into one latin flavored rhythmic orgasmo but ozomatli is the first band that actually does this and sings in english so i can finally get the full effect of good spanish flavored music die tarantino die anyway he will continue to be a legend because of the early work he did even though everything he is putting out since is a flaming pile of horsey doo doo