The newest entertainment newsmagazine to hit the airwaves is nothing like the old. TMZ Tv is Hollywood's newest pirhana and its teeth are sharply tearing away at fresh celebrity flesh. TMZ Tv hit the airwaves September 10, 2007 with a scathing claw, yanking celebrities off their pedestals and tearing their skin off one layer at a time. While shows like Entertainment Tonight and Extra! chap their lips kissing ass and sucking dick, TMZ breaks all the old rules and has created new ones. Celebrities are no longer untouchable and, for all the years of worship and groveling done at their feet-- it's time for a jolting reality check. With a staff and inside sources as ubiquitous as the CIA, TMZ has just made a town notorious for chewing up souls a little scared of getting bitten.
Harvey Levin is creator, executive producer, and managing editor of TMZ Tv, and can also be seen on The People's Court.
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