Phrase Coinage.

"L.A. cool"
L.A. cool is like being Paul Newman cool, but geographically-specific to invidivuals in the Los Angeles area. It's used to describe someone who maintains coolness and calmness despite seeing or being accosted by any of the visually-alarming people indigenous to the Los Angeles area. For example:
-a half-naked man in full-on Geisha makeup.
-a decibally-challenged, dreadlocked panhandler who insists you stay and listen to his story, despite it having no continuity and being started from somewhere in the middle
-an SUV full of Armenian gangsters speaking to you as if you are a prostitute who just ripped them off
-a Marilyn Manson look-a-like, only scarier, seen quietly walking through your apartment complex
-two drugged-up, vintage-clad, incoherently antagonistic transsexuals, who-- anywhere else in the country, would immediately be arrested for charges to be determined later
-people who look like escapees of a mental institution
People who are very specific and common to the Los Angeles area, and who would challenge even a Newman-esque temperment.
L.A. cool.
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