"...Nina [Hagen] was a wise soul, and she realized how young and inexperienced I was then, so she was always passing on gems to me, not in a preachy way, just by seizing on opportunities. I was going through her closet one day, looking at all her crazy clothes, when I came upon a valuable exotic jacket. 'This is really cool,' I said.
'Take it. You can have it,' she said.
'Whoa, I can't take this. This is the nicest jacket you have in there,' I said.
'That's why I gave it to you,' she explained. 'It's always important to give things away; it creates good energy. If you have a closet full of clothes, and you try to keep them all, your life will get very small. But if you have a full closet and someone sees something they like, if you give it to them, the world is a better place.'"
'Take it. You can have it,' she said.
'Whoa, I can't take this. This is the nicest jacket you have in there,' I said.
'That's why I gave it to you,' she explained. 'It's always important to give things away; it creates good energy. If you have a closet full of clothes, and you try to keep them all, your life will get very small. But if you have a full closet and someone sees something they like, if you give it to them, the world is a better place.'"
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