Hey Fuck.
i'm done talking to you with respect. you're a fucking waste of space. you're an overgrown cumstain. you deserve to be shoved back up the yeasty vagina you came out of. from now on, speak to me only when spoken to. your opinions are about as valid as an algebra equation written by a three year-old. don't speak. keep your mouth shut and your face hidden and we'll be alright. you disgust me. you're like vomit with legs. i'd rather stare at the mess i make in my toilet each night than interact with someone like you. you'd be a waste of a bullet. you're the only known exception to allowable verbal and physical abuse. even your psychiatrist would say you need a good ass-kicking. your head would be the perfect place to hold an axe. someone really ought to tie you up, cover you in honey, and ditch you out in the angeles forest. if they made a movie of your life, it would be called "fucking assmunch" and it would star tom arnold. i wish mike tyson would use your throat as a punching bag. i'd like to see you thrown off a bridge only after the water beneath its been drained. when you die i made a promise to shit on your grave. call me later, let's go to the mall.
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