
to everything, turn, turn, turn... don't burn the vegetables... bringin' da noise, bringin' da funk... po' boy sandwiches... alicia keys the side of my car... bringin' da grapefruit, bringin' da jelly... whatever happens, happens... t.v. keeps burning out... flagstaff! flagstaff!... psycho-shock therapy... depressed? need to get over it... call me, i'm larry h. parker... nice tie, shmucko... hey! hit it here!... dodgin bullets, raisin babies... mah jong, motherfucker, maaah jooong... make sense, not dollars... you're privvy to information you shouldn't be privvied to... unbelievable underwear stains... pie pie pie... aroma-therapy for the blind... picking your nose is an innate ability, nobody teaches you... sam i am green eggs and ham... publish this... picture this... promote promote promote...
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